How will AI change our lives?

Mia Khan
3 min readJun 25, 2021

The world is changing due to how much we are progressing in technologies. We are entering a new era, a new digital world where everything can be controlled and perfected by AI. But do we really know how much the world going to change?

If you thought that AI (Artificial Intelligence) would only impact the tech industry, you are deeply mistaken. AI can be implemented in everything from factories to healthcare. Anything a human being can do, Artificial Intelligence can do it better. To understand how much AI can change our lives, first, we must know what AI is and how it is being used now.

Fundamentals Of Artificial Intelligence:

AI uses machine learning to teach a computer how to do something or solve a problem, the computer has no knowledge and needs to be told everything.

The main problem is how do you even teach a computer. The answer to this is simple: data. As humans, we have reached an age where we put everything online and most of our life is conducted by the internet. So much data and information is being stored right now, this is the key to teaching a computer.

The computer gets thousands of data points in which it plots them all down, memorizing them and storing that information. Such as if we input people's shoe size and height into an algorithm, and then ask it if my shoe size is 8 what will my height be. The algorithm has all the data and can easily run it to find the answer.

This is known as linear regression.

There are many technicalities and things can easily go wrong. Such as if we do not have enough data then we can not guess the right answer. However, there are ways to solve it by adding more points or having a better line such as a curved line instead.

What is Currently Being Done?

Recently we have begun to see a lot of AI around us, such as Teslas. Teslas are self-driving cars that have an auto-pitlot function when switched on the car starts self-drive mode. The car uses computer vision, machine learning, and AI for its auto-pilot function.

Another popular technology is Alexa. When you ask the device a question it goes through the database and finds the answer. Alexa uses conversational AI which allows the device to answer questions more easily and sounds the most natural. AI is also being used in Cancer detection, they used the Naïve Bayes Machine Learning algorithm to detect cancer in an early stage.

In the future we are only going to see more of AI, possibilities are that your doctor could actually be an AI algorithm. More self-driving cars are being made and even Tesla is going to make their car more autonomous. AI can also be used to entertain, such as developing art and music. You never know maybe there will be an AI algorithm to write funny, captivating, and interesting articles in the future. For now, this will have to do.

Thank You for reading the article! If you have any questions or comments, I would love to hear them.

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